Availability can be checked by clicking on the link to our online calendar.

Alternatively, the latest information, or to request a booking form, please contact us by e-mail at information@miller-villas.co.uk and tell us the dates you would like to travel. If you can be flexible tell us the earliest date you can depart and the latest date you can return. We will then advise you of availability and the rate for rental.
To make a booking, we will require a completed Booking Form and a deposit of £250/$500 to secure the booking.

Upon receipt of the booking form and deposit, we will send you a formal booking confirmation letter which forms the agreement between you and ourselves.
The balance of the payment for the rental is payable 10 weeks before departure. At this time we will also require a security deposit of £150/$300 to cover any breakages/damage made during your stay. This will normally be returned to you within 21 days of you returning from your vacation.

Upon receipt of the balance, we will send you full details of how to find the villa, how to obtain the keys and all the important information you will require.

It's as simple as that really. The next step is to go on your vacation and really enjoy the freedom afforded to you of staying in a privately owned villa. Once you've stayed in one, you will be hooked and never want to return to a cramped hotel room again!

If you have any questions or concerns that are not covered here, email us at information@miller-villas.co.uk and we'll be pleased to try and help you.

Contact us today!

If you have any queries or wish to make a booking then please contact us:




Or use our contact form.

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